Benefits Of Acupuncture For Plantar Fasciitis

Benefits Of Acupuncture For Plantar Fasciitis
Mobility is a massive issue for those suffering from plantar fasciitis. Whereas some suffer due to a lack of mobility, symptoms can also occur in those who move too much! However, the biggest issue is the ability to keep people active despite the debilitating pain.

Acupuncture is a potent anti-inflammatory therapy that helps promote cell damage repair. Treatment usually includes therapeutic massages and herbal medicine. The acupuncture points focus on the foot and heal and help stimulate blood flow and pressure release.

We will dive deep into the causes and potential treatments for plantar fasciitis. If you're seeking fast relief, you've come to the right place! We'll help you make the right choices.

How Can Acupuncture Relieve Plantar Fasciitis?

Acupuncture is an effective therapeutic method for treating the symptoms of plantar fasciitis. The acupuncture needles are inserted at the base of the foot and several nerve endings. This activates the body's neurotransmitters and regulates pain and inflammation.

Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammatory condition that manifests in the bottom of the foot. This disorder usually starts to surface in people between the ages of 40-60. Although the exact trigger is unknown, there are several theories.

Experts believe Plantar Fasciitis is caused by strain on the bottom part of the heel and front of the foot. This causes tear lines along the ligament connecting the back of the foot to the front portion (the "plantar fascia").

Some experts believe stresses cause this on the base of the foot. These include:

  • Running long distances
  • Aerobic activities
  • Being overweight
  • Obesity
  • Standing for long periods
  • Pre-existing conditions such as flat foot

Although the causes are multifaceted, treatments are relatively standard. They include physical therapy, pharmacological treatments, and massage therapy. However, these treatments are insufficient for most who suffer from the disorder.

Acupuncture is an excellent treatment for plantar fasciitis since it releases the body's natural endorphins. These endorphins elevate mood and decrease pain. Acupuncture will also reduce inflammation, a common contributing factor to pain from plantar fasciitis.

Can Acupuncture Help with Plantar Fasciitis?

Acupuncture has successfully been tested on many sufferers to treat and relieve pain and inflammation.

Plantar fasciitis is not a chronic disorder and can be helped through therapy and other treatments. Although most people suffer from this most of their lives, it is possible to reverse some of the side effects.

Treating Plantar Fasciitis with Acupuncture and Therapy

Plantar fasciitis can be a debilitating experience for those suffering from it. It causes sharp pain, especially first thing in the morning, and can worsen progressively.

Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment of pain and inflammation from plantar fasciitis. By stimulating blood flow and triggering neurotransmitters, you can experience natural relief.

If you're seeking quick and effective treatments for your pain, our crew at Fast Relief Acupuncture can help! Please contact us for more details so we can get the proper treatment for you.


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Physicians Say Anxiety Is Leading Cause of Back Pain

Anxiety disorders are not solely classified as emotional responders. In fact, anxiety can cause an array of painful ailments that disturb patients emotionally and physically.

According to the North American Spine Association, four out of five American adults experience significant back pain during the course of their lifetime. Although back pain can develop due to underlying disease, acute injury or chronic illness, anxiety is the top cause of back pain development.

How does anxiety correlate with back pain? 

There is an intricate relationship between anxiety and physical health. Whether you sit at a desk during working hours or fret about daily events in your life, the tension and stress you’re experiencing can cause your body to react negatively. Anxiety causes the body to stiffen, tightening not only muscles, but joints, too. When prolonged stiffness occurs, pain develops. The pain is essentially sending a signal to your brain saying that the body needs to rest and heal.

Unmanaged anxiety also takes a toll on emotional well-being. It can increase your perception of emotions and feelings, including a more intense pain sensation. When the sufferer feels new bodily issues developing, it can often become hard to cope with the pain, resorting in elevated levels of anxiety and ultimately a continuation of physical ailments. This is a vicious cycle that threatens to take hold of your mental and physical well-being. Without the proper treatment, pain and anxiety can be hard to control or eliminate.

How can natural treatment assist with healing back pain and managing anxiety? 

When desperate to find healing, sufferers often resort to medications, such as opioids, to alleviate their pain. Not only can these unneeded medications cause other issues to arise within the body, they can also become highly addicting. Becoming addicted to pain medications can ruin one’s life while only temporarily numbing the pain.

Other times, patients experiencing pain resort to heeding their doctor’s advice for surgery. Physicians across the Nation push surgery that is unnecessary. Back surgery can potentially place the patient at high risk for unwanted, life altering outcomes.

However, the medical world has evolved greatly in ways that lean toward healing the body naturally. More and more physicians are recommending natural treatment to nourish the body emotionally and physically, without surgery or chemically infested and addictive medications.

Acupuncture has become a world-wide healing measure and is a preferred treatment over pharmaceutical medications, such as opioids. The American College of Physicians (ACP) recommend acupuncture treatment first. Fast Relief Acupuncture is the leading acupuncture treatment office in Northern New Jersey, specializing in treating and healing back pain caused by unmanaged anxiety. While following closely with the ACP’s guidelines, Fast Relief Acupuncture aims to put your health first by providing thorough and successful back pain treatment.


Fast Relief Acupuncture does not provide temporary relief like that of a drug. Rather, our office’s main goal is to proactively heal the body by diminishing pain while  fully managing anxiety symptoms.

When should I visit Fast Relief Acupuncture? 

Although our office can work for you as a preventative treatment, our acupuncturists specialize in helping heal ailments that you are currently suffering from, such as a back injury. There are several physical symptoms to look out for when you think you may have a back injury. These symptoms can include:

  • Sharp, localized pain
  • Chronic ache
  • Inability to perform daily tasks such as bending, walking or sitting for long periods
  • Inability to perform exercises
  • Disrupted sleep due to pain
  • Feelings of tingling or numbness in the arms or legs

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is always recommended to first consult your physician. Your physician can properly diagnose the ailment and recommend proper treatment. When natural treatment, such as acupuncture, is discussed, it is always important to remember to continue other treatments that your doctor has prescribed or recommended such as physical therapy or anxiety medication. Acupuncture works best when treatments harmoniously combine to provide the greatest possible outcome for the patient.

When you are ready to schedule an acupuncture treatment, please call our office to set up a consultation appointment. An acupuncture specialist will discuss your needs and create an appropriate, unique treatment plan for healing.

We look forward to hearing from you!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!


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How Can Acupuncture Relieve (Or Cure) Chronic Pain

Nearly 23.5 (11.2%) adults experience chronic pain in the US, and almost 40 million (17.6%) experience severe pain.  So is it not about time that we had more efficient options?

What is Chronic Pain

Chronic pain, by definition, is persistent/intermittent pain that lasts for three months or longer. It can interfere with everyday life functions, work, and life quality in general. Chronic pain affects more than 200,000 cases per year within the United States. While various treatments help manage the effect, there are no known cures given that causes are multiple.


The difficulty in pinpointing chronic pain cause is that it often mutates with complications. Mainstream causes are surgery, injury, obesity, cancer, inflammation or tendinitis, sinus dysfunction, arthritis, musculoskeletal, headache/migraines, psychosomatic dysfunctions, and more. Chronic pain hurts one’s whole being. It affects not only the nerves but emotions, self-sufficiency, and the whole being. A person impacted by such pain can not only cease to be self-sufficient, but experience an effect on the entire family, work, and community.

Treatment of Chronic Pain

Depending on the cause, Chronic pain management techniques can involve invasive surgery, chemical therapy, steroid injections, Radiofrequency ablation, physiotherapy, heat/cold treatment, prescribed activity/diet, massage, injections, Botox, and more.

Recovery Rate

According to the National Library of Medicine, severe pain prevalence has increased from 28 to 33% within the last decade. We need to keep in mind that it takes at least half a year to recover from chronic pain there is no immediate care or solution. Treatment effectiveness varies from person to person. Since our research on chronic pain is still minimal, why not consider holistic therapies?


How Can Acupuncture Help Chronic Pain?

According to Harvard Health Publishing, when traditional methods fail, “acupuncture is an option with a good track record.” While a single treatment will not perform a miracle, an acupuncture regimen supervised by the acupuncturist (as well as your doctor) can yield miraculous results. For example, according to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the effect of true acupuncture was 50% more effective than that of a placebo. While it takes time to see results, acupuncture in conjunction with your doctor’s recommendations, physiotherapy, and a holistic approach can yield promising results.
Schedule your consultation today with Fast Relief Acupuncture to find out how a comprehensive acupuncture regimen can improve blood circulation, raise endorphin levels, and, therefore, alleviate pain, anxiety, and depression.


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

How Does Acupuncture Help Acute Lower-Back/Neck Pain?

Invasive treatment is often needlessly used to remedy acute pain.
However, acupuncture is particularly successful with acute disorders.

What is back pain?

For many, this is a ridiculous question because we all know back pain. But let us stop to think for a moment. We know back pain as a symptom, but what is the cause, and is it preventable?

According to the John Hopkins Institute, an injury can cause acute pain and last up to six weeks. While not as persistent as chronic pain, it can become chronic if not managed properly. Pain can present as acute stabbing, intermittent, constant, aching, burning, dull, or throbbing. Severe pain can transfer to the legs or the buttocks. It is crucial to address the fundamental cause so that it does not impede our daily activities. Pain can come on suddenly or increase with time. It is caused by injury, over-use, strain, improper body movement, infection, degeneration of muscle or bone, abnormal growth, obesity/weakened muscle, joint/disc/nerve problems, fractures, bone abnormalities, aneurysms, abdominal/immune complications, and more.

Treatments and maintenance

Because there is a myriad of back pain causes, prevention, and proper diagnosis are the key. Depending on the cause, treatments can vary from an ice pack to surgery. Regardless of treatment choice, there are preventative actions we can take to improve or prevent future occurrences. In conjunction with the advice of a doctor, a healthy lifestyle adjustment is crucial. Key improvements include a healthy diet (aimed at weight loss, strength, and improved muscle tone/flexibility), lifestyle changes, stress management, meditation, exercise, physical therapy, and alternative remedies such as acupuncture.

Acupuncture treats acute pain

Many are surprised to hear that acupuncture is effective at treating acute pain. By reducing inflammation, acupuncture improves the range of motion and reduces pain. In a series of successive treatments, the effect is cumulative and can eliminate pain. National Library of Pain (a government resource) compiled articles on the benefits of acupuncture and minimal side effects. In Acupuncture for Pain, Robert B Kelly speaks to the benefits of both traditional and non-traditional acupuncture methods. American Pain Society and American College of Physicians sites twenty-two studies that effectively confirm acupuncture as a viable pain/inflammation relief method. Regardless of studies, acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular. The key is to finish successive treatments and stick to the therapist's prescribed regimen. Take care of your health by scheduling your treatment today and feel instant relief.


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Does Acupuncture Alleviate Scoliosis?

With no known treatment, acupuncture is the key to health maintenance.                                             It alleviates Scoliosis symptoms and keeps surgery at bay.

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine, often developed around puberty. It affects over three million Americans per year. Symptoms include uneven posture (back, hips, legs, or shoulders), and/or back pain. In severe cases, back curvature may prevent the lungs or the heart from working optimally, cause severe pain and misaligned posture.

Scoliosis symptoms range from mild to dangerous and can be deadly (if left untreated). There are many potential causes such as spine injury, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, genetic disorders, tumors, inflammation, and postural asymmetry. Typically, females are more prone to developing Scoliosis.

While there is no known cure, treatments exist to help manage the condition. Diet is of utmost importance. Foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, and E, are considered beneficial. Fried foods, alcohol, salt, and preservatives are highly discouraged. Regular exercise and social support are highly encouraged. To treat Scoliosis, patients typically visit a neurologist and an orthopedist. A neurologist examines any muscle weaknesses/imbalances/numbness as well as reflexes and may prescribe medication. The patient typically undergoes x-ray tests (to check the extent of the spine curvature) and MRIs/CT scans (to check for potential causes). In extreme cases, patients undergo spinal fusions, which bind or fuse the spinal bones (with metal rods) to keep them in place.

Given the graphic and painful nature of such surgeries, it is no wonder that patients seek alternative treatment. While no preventative medicine exists, acupuncture may be able to keep the most severe symptoms at bay. Acupuncture alleviates symptoms and prevents/slows further degeneration caused by Scoliosis or any related condition such as Lordosis (inward, lower-back curvature), Kyphosis (abnormal spine curvature), Spina Bifida (malformed spinal vertebrae), Stenosis (compressed spine), or any disease affecting the central nervous system (such as Multiple Sclerosis or Neurofibromatosis). In 2008 Katherina Schroth performed a study (in collaboration with the Spinal Deformities Rehabilitation Center in Germany) observing female patients, ages fourteen to sixteen. The sub-group of patients receiving acupuncture noted a marked improvement in spine curvature (sixteen to thirty-four degrees) over the group that did not. The alternative treatment proved to be successful in both children and adults. There are documented cases of adults seeking medical treatment and only experiencing pain relief with continued acupuncture.

In combination with a thorough medical regimen, diet, exercise, yoga, and physical therapy, acupuncture can truly work wonders and improve treatment results.


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Can Acupuncture Alleviate Arthritis?

The results of arthritis treatment look promising. Series of acupuncture treatments alleviate pain.

The joint pain. The swelling. The constant diet of anti-inflammatories to squash the pain. In the US, arthritis affects three million people per year (predominantly women). Arthritis is a degenerative, auto-immune disorder where the body attacks itself. It can range from aching in the joints, redness/swelling to fever, joint deformation, organ inflammation, and even heart damage (if left untreated). Early symptoms to look out for are pain, swelling/redness, rheumatoid (inflammation of joints/muscles/tissue), psoriatic (inflammation that can lead to permanent damage), and even gout.

Arthritis pain may manifest in the hip joint, inner/outer thigh, buttocks, or groin. The pain is more pronounced in the morning and improves with movement (strenuous activity may worsen the pain). Discomfort grows with stiffness and a reduced range of motion.

The first stage is pain, stiffness, and the beginning growth of bone spurs. The second stage shows a marked increase in bone spurs and cartilage deterioration. In the third stage gap between the bones widens with significant cartilage deterioration and inflammation. Cartilage pieces break off into the synovial fluid (joint lubricating liquid) and impede movement. The fourth stage presents with chronic pain/inflammation and consistent deterioration of cartilage and synovial fluid. Severe pain impacts daily activities (including sleep).


While more common in elderly patients, arthritis can also affect younger people. Injury, structural problems, obesity, repetitive joint stress, genetics, or over-use can trigger arthritis. In the early stage, prevention is the key. Doctors may advise exercise modification, weight loss/diet changes, and proper vitamins/minerals to slow down the progression of the disease.


It is advisable to manage mild cases with anti-inflammatories, braces/support (reduce joint stress), physical/movement therapy, and exercise to build flexibility and muscle. In the early stage, prevention is the key. Doctors often advise exercise modification (to prevent joint stress), weight loss/diet changes, alternative treatment (such as acupuncture), and proper vitamins/minerals to slow down the progression of the disease. Prescribing corticosteroid injections controls the inflammation. In advanced stages, doctors recommend more invasive treatments such as realignment surgery and/or hip replacement.

Approach with Acupuncture         

Before you start popping pills, consider alternative options. Acupuncture has been tremendously successful at alleviating pain and slowing down disease progression. Successive treatments slow down joint and cartilage deterioration while reducing inflammation and increasing endorphin levels. Acupuncture relaxes the tight muscles improving muscle function, strength and allowing for joint protection and flexibility increase. Even in chronic cases, acupuncture has shown success in managing pain. Treating soft tissue contributes to relaxation and pain reduction. Existing insurance plans provide coverage for acupuncture treatment, so make sure to check with your provider.


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Can Acupuncture Treat TMJ?

Jaw pain and stiffness are debilitating for many.  By addressing the root causes (stress and tension),           acupuncture alleviates symptoms.

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) syndrome is an affliction that most struggle with at some point in their lives. It stems from stress, jaw-joint tension and can appear as jaw stiffness, dizziness, teeth sensitivity or grinding, numbness in the fingertips, pain in the ear area, face, neck, or pain while eating. TMJ can be the result of trauma, arthritis, or be present since birth. While it is tempting to think that an ice pack will solve all problems, TMJ may be persistent and debilitating. It can cause grinding or clicking sounds in the jaw joint and consistent pain that interferes with work and enjoyment of daily life.

According to the John Hopkins Medical Journal, TMJ can stem from stress and misalignment of the joint and muscles, dislocated joint/disc, or degenerative disease (such as arthritis). Treatment options vary from your traditional home remedies, anti-inflammatories to surgery. Since surgery is costly and risky, it is the last course of action and only in extreme cases. Often, TMJ surgery repairs or replaces the jaw joint but does not relieve the pain. Thankfully, we have alternative options that target the root cause of most TMJ cases: stress and tension. Any treatment option is best, accompanied by habitual changes (such as relaxation of jaw exercises to stop clenching), physical therapy, posture changes, and stress management.

Acupuncture is a known resource for TMJ symptom management since it helps to relieve tension and improve joint mobility and pain. One of the reasons that acupuncture works so well is because it does not just relieve the symptoms. Instead, it combats the stress (that causes TMJ in the first place) while increasing circulation in the joints and stimulating the body's natural immune defenses. According to the Mayo Clinic, a succession of acupuncture treatments may eliminate the original stressor of TMJ, curing the syndrome at its' root. By relieving stress, depression, anxiety, and mental disorders, acupuncture addresses the root causes of tension-based pain. Combined with other relaxation techniques (meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and stretching), acupuncture lowers blood Cortisol levels, helping to reduce heart rate, cholesterol, and improves circulation/BMI. By reducing stress and increasing endorphin levels, acupuncture treatment helps the body heal itself with its' own immune processes. Acupuncture relief treatments contribute to overall well-being and target the root causes of discomfort.  


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Spring into Acupuncture: Relieving Tennis Elbow Symptoms

Spring has finally made its arrival, and so have outdoor sports. As much anticipated as it was, Springtime also brings forth an array of injuries that have been stewing over the winter months.

One of the top injuries Fast Relief Acupuncture sees in the Spring is Tennis Elbow. Tennis Elbow, medically known as Lateral Epicondylitis, is a form of tendinitis that occurs when tendons in the elbow joint become inflamed. This typically happens from overuse, especially due to repetitive motions of the forearm and wrist, such as when using a tennis racket. Do not let the name fool you, however. Tennis Elbow is also commonly endured among weightlifters, golfers, office workers, and crafters.

What are the symptoms of Tennis Elbow?

Although all patients tend to feel their symptoms differently, these are the most felt, whether mild or severe: pain in the elbow or wrist, pain that radiates down the forearm, weakness of the affected limb, limited range of motion of the affected limb, and inability to continue normal activity.

Most patients who have been diagnosed with Tennis Elbow are placed into physical therapy or prescribed a type of inflammation reducing medication, such as an NSAID. Unfortunately, many of these types of therapies do not provide long-term healing, especially when solely using pharmaceutical medications. If patients do not find relief, doctors often turn to suggesting surgery.

Today’s medical practices have advanced, forming trusted alternative treatment routes that have proved to alleviate long-term symptoms of Tennis Elbow.

What are alternative treatment options for Tennis Elbow?

Fast Relief Acupuncture specializes in sports therapy, particularly injuries such as Tennis Elbow. Our all-natural treatments, including acupuncture and electro-stimulation acupuncture, work to relieve symptoms and get patients back to doing what they love.

After curating a goal-oriented treatment plan, patients will receive continuous acupuncture treatments until symptom relief has been achieved. These treatments include needling, which is the insertion of tiny, hair-like needles into specific acupoints across the body. Patients will receive treatment for Tennis Elbow by sitting or lying down in a relaxing and inviting therapy room at least 1 to 2 times per week.

How does acupuncture treatment help alleviate symptoms?

Acupuncture works to target self-healing processes within the body, including the production of a hormone called Endorphins. Endorphins are responsible for providing natural pain-relief, reducing inflammation, and allowing the body to naturally heal. Treatments improve blood circulation, which provides the injured area with higher levels of nutrients, oxygenation, and other key components to the healing process.

Unlike prescription medications, acupuncture therapy does not just cover-up the symptoms for a brief period. Our treatments specifically target the root cause of the injury, healing the body until the injury is no longer present.

How can you make an appointment?

Fast Relief Acupuncture is open and available to treat any type of injury that you may have, including Tennis Elbow! John Kim, owner and lead acupuncturist, specializes in keeping athletes on the court. Knock out your injury at Fast Relief Acupuncture.


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Anxiety Generates Teeth Grinding, Posture Issues

Also called “Bruxism,” teeth grinding is a main symptom in patients who experience forms of anxiety and stress, either mentally or physically. When stressed, specific muscle groups in the face tense, causing the jaw to tighten and clamp down. Acute and chronic teeth grinding can cause painful symptoms that can become hard to manage.

What are the symptoms of teeth grinding?

Many different symptoms can stem from anxiety, especially when patients are grinding their teeth, whether mostly at night or during the daytime. The most common symptoms experienced are,

  • -Tenderness and pain to the touch or while moving the jaw
  • -Mild to severe headaches, typically called “tension headaches”
  • -Restricted movement of the jaw
  • -Stiffness of the jaw
  • -Weakness of muscles in the face
  • -Tight muscles that can affect the neck, shoulders, and posture
  • -Nerve compression
  • -Constant clicking noise or grinding sound when moving the jaw muscles
  • -Sensitive teeth

Patients can experience various levels of pain, depending on how much they are grinding and how their body reacts. Some will feel a gradual increase of symptoms over years of untreated Bruxism, and others can feel the effect right away.

How can teeth grinding be treated?

A dentist is the first place that many patients visit when having issues with grinding their teeth. Often, a night guard (retainer) will be molded to fit the patient’s teeth and provide cushion, so the teeth do not become further damaged. Retainers do not always correct the root cause of the problem, however.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health says that acupuncture may help ease chronic pain associated with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction or TMJ, which is directly associated with prolonged teeth grinding.

Since the symptoms of teeth grinding indicate a functional disorder within the bodily systems, specifically the muscular system in the face, treating the root cause is more productive to achieve healing. Acupuncture targets the area in which is directly causing the issue, such as an anxiety or stress disorder. When visiting Fast Relief Acupuncture for the first time, our highly trained Acupuncturist, John Kim, will perform a thorough evaluation of your symptoms to determine exactly how the deviation is occurring. A treatment plan will be correlated for your specific needs.

During treatment, Acupuncture techniques will be used to balance the bodily systems, which is most important for reducing anxiety or stress symptoms and promoting relaxation and emotional stability. As the body produces Relaxin and Endorphins, the hormones responsible for de-stressing, the Myofascial Muscles can relax, reducing the occurrence of teeth grinding and jaw clenching. This process triggers the loosening of neck muscles and shoulder muscles, which will also correct posture and alleviate tension throughout the back.

As patients experience symptoms of teeth grinding from anxiety, they may not realize that getting to the root cause of the issue is most important. As the body reacts to outside factors such as stress and anxiety, issues arise such as teeth grinding that can lead to TMJ. At Fast Relief Acupuncture, we know that our bodily systems are all beautifully intertwined, which means that jaw pain can cause neck pain which can cause posture issues which can cause back pain … and so on! It is so important to treat teeth grinding right down to the beginning, that way, the entire body can find relief and healing.

John Kim specializes in treating TMJ and posture disorders. He has received multiple certifications in these practice areas and has seen hundreds of patients during his tenor as an Acupuncturist. To find fast relief from your jaw, teeth, or muscle pain, visit Fast Relief Acupuncture today!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:
•    Headache/ Migraine
•    Arthritis/ Stenosis
•    Nerve pain
•    Neck/Back pain
•    Fibromyalgia pain

•    Allergies

•    TMJ

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

SAAT: A Fresh, New Outlook on Acupuncture

The time of the year has come when allergies invade your daily activities. Instead of enjoying a beautiful Fall day at the local pumpkin patch, you are left sneezing and wiping a runny nose. But, for all you allergy sufferers. there is good news! Fast Relief Acupuncture can bring allergy-free Autumn days back to life! Our practice is introducing a new acupuncture technique that fights off allergies even better than Claritin can! Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT for short) is a technique that aims to permanently stop those pesky allergic reactions.

What is SAAT?

In 1956, Dr. Paul Nogier discovered a new way of treating the body by using acupuncture. His new treatment exclusively involved the outer ear and proved to treat many ailments, including allergies. A short time later, Dr. Nader Soliman refined Nogier's method and eventually developed Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment, which specifically used acupuncture to treat and eliminate allergies in a natural way.

Dr. Nader Soliman's discovery has helped thousands of people, like you, overcome serious allergies; even people who were told they would suffer life-long reactions!

Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment is a one-time treatment that works to eliminate not only seasonal allergies, but also allergic reactions to food, medications and toxins.

With one treatment, patients can be on the road to becoming allergy-free!

Does SAAT really work?

Yes, it does! We will explain how.

Allergies can develop at any time during someone's life. One's immune system will work extra hard to fight off what it believes to be a foreign substance by producing Immunoglobulin E. This process will consequently cause an allergic reaction to take place. SAAT works to essentially re-set the immune system and re-program the body!

Dr. Nader Soliman utilized over 10 years of studies and clinical experience to produce a 90% success rate at minimizing patient's allergic reactions and even eliminating them altogether.

What makes SAAT different from taking allergy medications?

SAAT stimulates the immune system response to eliminate the allergy, but in a natural way! Many of our patients have been taking allergy medications or administering allergy shots for years. Our new treatment is so much more cost effective compared to any other method on the market. Not only is it a onetime treatment rather than a monthly ordeal, but it is a natural way of healing the body and enabling one to enjoy life without allergies.

How do I set up an appointment?

We have two convenient locations: Closter, NJ & Franklin Lakes, NJ.  Please feel free to call to make an appointment or click "request appointment" on our home page and make sure to specify you are looking for SAAT treatments. We look forward to treating you!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!