Fast Relief Acupuncture
November 7, 2018
Migraine Relief with acupuncture
Miraine head misaligment

Many people suffer from migraine headaches. The pain and discomfort can be so debilitating that it prevents people from performing simple, daily tasks. Migraines are often described as a ‘sharp, piercing pain’ inside the head. Migraines cause severe headaches that last for many days and could possibly affect a person’s vision causing them to see “flashes”. The condition can be triggered by many things such as; sitting in front of a computer too long, reading too much, changes in the weather (especially inclement weather), among others.
While migraines are often categorized as a neurological problem, the true cause can be linked to a musculo-skeletal problem, specifically neck and shoulders. Different areas of the body such as the neck, shoulder, and / or the mid back are often ‘hunched’ forward causing not only both weakness and tightening of specific muscles but also causing an overuse of the eyes. When the eye muscles are strained and doing more work than usual, ‘neural fatigue’ sets in. Common symptoms of ‘neural fatigue’ are headaches or migraines along with some visual problems.

Fast Relief Acupuncture has a very safe and effective treatment protocol for relieving migraines. The treatment consists of properly re-aligning the patient’s body by gently performing acupuncture on very precise and specific points of the body. The purpose is to release any restricted muscles and to increase elasticity to properly align the body. Along with acupuncture, manual therapy is also performed on the patient to further enhance and strengthen the weakened muscles and to reposition their head to prevent further migraine attacks from returning. The combination of both techniques can have lasting positive effects reducing and relieving migraine attacks!  Call today and get back into the game fast with Fast Relief Acupuncture!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!


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 Closter NJ: (201) 297-7703