Fast Relief Acupuncture
December 6, 2018
balance taping

In any athletic performance, injuries are bound to happen, and recovery becomes very crucial. The term ‘balance taping’ has become more mainstream and synonymous with faster, effective recovery times. But what IS balance taping? Simply put, it is the use of kinesiology tape on an area of concern to not only give additional support to the joint, but it also increases flexibility and range of motion by promoting proper blood circulation.

Unlike regular Athletic Tape which restricts movement of the joint, kinesiology tape does the opposite. The tape is uniquely designed to stretch the body's joint or muscle whilst increasing the body’s natural healing process. When used in conjunction with acupuncture, balance taping is a fantastic way to speed up the healing process to get your body back into your normal activity.

What Can Balance Taping Be Used For?

There are several uses for the tape. Most common uses include joint and muscle pains, restricted movements of the body due to pain or injury, assist in faster recovery time for injuries, support and assist in the correct alignment of the body, decrease swelling/ stiffness of muscles or joints, etc...

How Does it Work?

Kinesiology tape is designed to act and work as close to human skin as possible, allowing increased flexibility and movements to the applied areas. The tape provides and creates a balance in the neural circuitry between the muscles, joints, tendons, and skin allowing it to reduce swelling, pain, and improving muscle and joint functionality and performance. It is also thought to realign joint positions to its original or correct location.

Balance taping also inhibits nocio-ceptors (pain pathways) to the skin, muscles, and joints. By decreasing the pain input to the brain, it normalizes muscle tone, decreases pain, and muscle spasms on the affected area or areas.

How Do I Remove the Tape?

First, it is important to take of the tape within 48 hours of its initial application. If it is not removed within that time frame, the adhesive tape/glue on the tape can be 'stuck' more to the skin causing possible increased skin irritations when the tape is removed. Oils such as baby oil, petroleum jelly, or olive oil can also be used to assist in the removal of the tape. The best and most simple way is to have the area of the tape moist or wet especially when coming out of a shower or bath and slowly remove the tape from the skin.

If you have any further questions about balance taping and its benefits, do not hesitate to reach out to us with any injuries or concerns you may have! Remember, we want you get back into the game FAST with Fast Relief Acupuncture!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!


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