Anxiety disorders are not solely classified as emotional responders. In fact, anxiety can cause an array of painful ailments that disturb patients emotionally and physically. According to the North American Spine Association, four out of five American adults experience significant back pain during the course of their lifetime. Although back pain can develop due to underlying

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What is Dry-Eye DiseaseDry-eye disease is a common condition when the eyes are not lubricated. Typically, dry-eye disease is caused by reduced tear production or excessive tear evaporation. This imbalance can lead to inflammation or even damage. A healthy tear film is lubricated, clear, and smooth in texture. Fatty oils, aqueous fluid, and mucus comprise the

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Eye allergies, hay fever, congestion, ear pain, runny nose, watery eyes, puffiness, itching, and wheezing are all discomforts associated with seasonal allergies.What is an allergy?An allergy is a hypersensitivity to environmental conditions. This hypersensitivity may be seasonal or perennial and results in the inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes, stuffy nose, runny eyes, and

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The importance of preventing common vision problemsYour sense of vision is one of the most important gifts to humanity. Our sense of sight makes it possible for us to enjoy so much that life has to offer. It’s also true that eyes are the window to the soul since that is how humans communicate because

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Does this sound familiar to you?You wake up in the morning and your immediate initial reaction is to pick up your phone and check for messages, social media updates or news before you even get out bed.While eating your meal, other than the actual act of eating, you are simultaneously looking at your phone or

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What is TMJ? — TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) is a painful jaw condition that affects more than three million people per year (more females than males). TMJ warning signs are restricted jaw mobility, pain while chewing, ear pain, facial pain, headaches, and a grinding sensation in the bone/joints. Causes include bad habits, gum chewing, jaw misalignment,

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