Back to School, Back to You: How Acupuncture Renews Parenting Energy

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The back-to-school season is an exciting yet demanding time for parents. As you prepare your children for the new school year, juggling schedules and ensuring they have everything they need, it's easy to forget to take care of yourself.

However, it's crucial to remember that your well-being matters just as much. In this article, we'll explore how acupuncture can help parents renew their energy, take a break, and establish a self-care routine during this busy time.

Understanding Back-to-School Stress: Nurturing Yourself Amidst the Chaos

As the back-to-school season approaches, parents find themselves in a whirlwind of tasks, from shopping for school supplies to coordinating transportation and managing homework routines. It's a time of excitement, but it can also bring an overwhelming sense of responsibility. As parents, we tend to put our children's needs at the forefront, ensuring they have everything they require for a successful school year. However, amidst this bustling season, we often overlook one essential aspect - ourselves.

Parenting during the back-to-school season involves significant energy and emotional investment, but it's crucial to remember that nurturing yourself is not a luxury; it's a necessity. In the chaos of school preparations, it's easy to forget that your well-being matters just as much as your children's. This is where acupuncture comes into play, offering a holistic approach to help you maintain your vitality, manage stress, and keep your energy reserves replenished.

What is Acupuncture? A Path to Self-Care

Now, you might wonder, "What exactly is acupuncture, and how can it help me during this demanding time?" Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It revolves around the gentle insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, known as acupuncture points, to facilitate the flow of vital energy or "Qi." Acupuncture aims to restore harmony and equilibrium in the body by addressing both physical and emotional aspects of well-being.

In the hustle and bustle of back-to-school preparations, taking care of yourself might not be high on your priority list. However, it's during these times that self-care becomes most crucial. Acupuncture offers a path to self-care by providing you with a unique opportunity to reset and rejuvenate, ultimately benefiting not only yourself but also your ability to support your children effectively.

Benefits of Acupuncture for Parents: Nurturing Your Well-Being

Parenting during the back-to-school season can be a demanding and sometimes overwhelming task. The responsibilities of preparing your children for school, managing their schedules, and ensuring their well-being can take a toll on your physical and emotional health. This is where acupuncture steps in, offering a range of benefits tailored to support parents during this challenging time.

Reduce Stress

For parents, the back-to-school season often brings heightened stress levels. From ensuring that your children are adequately prepared to manage their expectations and your own, stress can become a constant companion. Acupuncture, through stimulating specific points in the body, can trigger the release of endorphins, your body's natural "feel-good" hormones. This, in turn, can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation.

As a parent, when you're less stressed, you're better equipped to navigate the challenges of the back-to-school season with a clear mind and a more patient disposition. Reduced stress can improve mood, enhance emotional well-being, and induce a greater sense of calm during this hectic time.

Increase Energy

Parenting is a 24/7 commitment, and during the back-to-school season, the demands on your time and energy can be particularly taxing. Acupuncture is renowned for its ability to boost energy levels and overall well-being. By improving the flow of energy throughout the body, acupuncture helps ensure that your body's energy reserves are replenished.

Many parents report feeling more energized and rejuvenated after acupuncture sessions. This renewed energy can make a significant difference in your daily life. It enables you to tackle your parenting responsibilities with increased vigor, maintain your own well-being, and be fully present for your children during this important transition.

Improve Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is essential for parents, especially during the back-to-school season when routines become more structured. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate stress and diminish your ability to cope with daily challenges effectively. Acupuncture has been shown to improve sleep quality by addressing issues such as insomnia and irregular sleep patterns.

By getting the restorative sleep you need, you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day's tasks. Improved sleep can lead to better focus, enhanced mood, and a heightened sense of well-being, all of which are invaluable assets for parents navigating the demands of the school year.

Boost Immunity

As parents, maintaining good health is paramount, especially when ensuring your children's well-being is a top priority. Acupuncture is known to enhance immune system function by stimulating the production of immune cells and promoting the body's natural defense mechanisms. By supporting your immune system through acupuncture, you can reduce the risk of falling ill during the school year's cold and flu season. This not only benefits your own well-being but also helps you remain a stable and healthy presence for your children, even when they encounter common childhood illnesses.

Establishing Acupuncture in Your Back-to-School Routine

While the benefits of acupuncture for parents during the back-to-school season are undeniable, the real transformation occurs when you prioritize and allocate time for yourself. In the hustle and bustle of parenting and school preparations, it's easy to become so immersed in caring for your children that you neglect your own well-being.

Incorporating acupuncture into your back-to-school routine may seem challenging, but with a little planning, it can become a valuable and sustainable part of your self-care regimen:

Prioritize Self-Care as a Necessity, Not a Luxury

Recognize that taking a break and focusing on your well-being is not a luxury but a necessity. Prioritizing self-care is essential for maintaining your physical and emotional health. By investing in your well-being, you enhance your capacity to meet the demands of daily life, including parenting during the back-to-school season. Committing yourself to self-care is a non-negotiable aspect of your routine.

Schedule in Advance

Plan your acupuncture sessions ahead of time. Many acupuncturists offer flexible hours to accommodate busy schedules, making it easier for you to find a time that works. By scheduling in advance, you create a sense of structure and ensure that self-care remains a consistent part of your routine. Treat these appointments as essential appointments with yourself, just as you would any other important commitment.

Involve Your Family and Promote Well-Being Together

Share your self-care goals with your family, and encourage open discussions about the importance of well-being. Teach your children the value of self-care and balance by involving them in age-appropriate ways. This can include family meditation sessions, nature walks, or discussions about stress reduction techniques. By fostering an environment that values well-being, you contribute to a healthier family dynamic.

Set Realistic Goals

Understand that the benefits of acupuncture may take time to fully experience. Be patient with yourself and acknowledge small improvements along the way. Your self-care journey is a process of continuous growth and renewal. Celebrate each step you take towards greater well-being, and trust that the positive effects will accumulate over time, enriching your life as a parent during the back-to-school season.

By following these tips and incorporating acupuncture into your back-to-school routine, you'll not only enhance your own well-being but also set a positive example for your family. Prioritizing self-care becomes a transformative practice that ensures you're equipped to face the challenges and changes of the back-to-school season with grace and resilience.

Take a Break with Fast Relief Acupuncture

Parenting during the back-to-school season can be demanding, but it's essential to prioritize your well-being. Acupuncture offers a holistic approach to renewing energy, taking a break, and managing stress. While it may not be a magic cure, many parents have found it to be a valuable addition to their self-care routine.

Are you ready to experience the rejuvenating effects of acupuncture during the back-to-school season? At Fast Relief Acupuncture, we specialize in holistic wellness practices that can help parents like you find balance and renew energy. Contact us today to schedule your first session and discover the benefits of acupuncture for yourself.


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

How Often Do You Need to Go in for Acupuncture Treatments?

Acupuncture works by targeting patients’ needs which are identified within a developed, unique plan of treatment. Specifically, an acupuncturist will construct a specific plan by analyzing the symptoms of the treatment-seeking individual. Through this plan, an acupuncturist can determine the frequency of your acupuncture treatments.

Regardless of whether the reason to seek acupuncture treatments is acute or chronic pain, allergies, stress, or another ailment, no one person will receive the same treatment or frequency of appointments.

How is frequency determined?

Although acupuncture treatments tend to favor patient visitation at a 5-6-week schedule, there are quite a few factors that can determine the need for a shorter, more frequent schedule, or a longer time between acupuncture appointments.

First, in order to precisely determine how often a patient should utilize acupuncture treatments, an acupuncturist will look at the factors that will describe why the patient sought treatment in the first place.

These factors include:
  • What types of symptoms is the patient experiencing?
  • How long has the patient had the notable symptoms?
  • What is the severity of the symptoms (i.e.: pain level, duration)?
  • Do the symptoms correlate with an illness or ailment that has been diagnosed?
  • Acupuncture history
  • Is the patient new to acupuncture?
  • Has the patient previously received treatments? If so, how recently?
  • How frequently did the patient receive prior treatment?
  • Medical history
  • Does the patient currently suffer from long-term illness or ailments? If so, are the illnesses in remission, or is the patient currently experiencing a flare-up?
  • Has the patient previously sought treatment of any kind for the illness or ailment?

Preparing for Your Acupuncture Treatment Can Help Determine Frequency of Visits

When making your acupuncture appointment, whether it be your very first time or your first time in a while, you will want to ensure you are prepared for the visit. In order to better enable your acupuncturist to determine a proper treatment plan for your condition(s), you should be as open as possible about your symptoms, acupuncture, and medical history. 

For example, a great way to do this is to write down the symptoms you are experiencing, when the symptoms started, and what you know about the history of your condition.

Then, after discussing the reasons for your visit, an acupuncturist can properly place you into an adequate level of care. During your visits, your acupuncturist will focus on three levels of care.

These levels include:
  • Acute Care
  • Transitional Care
  • Maintenance Care

Each level of care establishes a suggested timetable for the frequency of your future acupuncture appointments. Finally, after determining a specific level of care based on the presenting factors and/or requests of the patient, an acupuncture specialist will develop a treatment plan that is unique to each patient that visits their office.

So, whether you're exploring options for your first acupuncture appointment or you're considering resuming your acupuncture journey, don't hesitate to reach out to our office!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Anxiety Generates Teeth Grinding, Posture Issues

Also called “Bruxism,” teeth grinding is a main symptom in patients who experience forms of anxiety and stress, either mentally or physically. When stressed, specific muscle groups in the face tense, causing the jaw to tighten and clamp down. Acute and chronic teeth grinding can cause painful symptoms that can become hard to manage.

What are the symptoms of teeth grinding?

Many different symptoms can stem from anxiety, especially when patients are grinding their teeth, whether mostly at night or during the daytime. The most common symptoms experienced are,

  • -Tenderness and pain to the touch or while moving the jaw
  • -Mild to severe headaches, typically called “tension headaches”
  • -Restricted movement of the jaw
  • -Stiffness of the jaw
  • -Weakness of muscles in the face
  • -Tight muscles that can affect the neck, shoulders, and posture
  • -Nerve compression
  • -Constant clicking noise or grinding sound when moving the jaw muscles
  • -Sensitive teeth

Patients can experience various levels of pain, depending on how much they are grinding and how their body reacts. Some will feel a gradual increase of symptoms over years of untreated Bruxism, and others can feel the effect right away.

How can teeth grinding be treated?

A dentist is the first place that many patients visit when having issues with grinding their teeth. Often, a night guard (retainer) will be molded to fit the patient’s teeth and provide cushion, so the teeth do not become further damaged. Retainers do not always correct the root cause of the problem, however.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health says that acupuncture may help ease chronic pain associated with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction or TMJ, which is directly associated with prolonged teeth grinding.

Since the symptoms of teeth grinding indicate a functional disorder within the bodily systems, specifically the muscular system in the face, treating the root cause is more productive to achieve healing. Acupuncture targets the area in which is directly causing the issue, such as an anxiety or stress disorder. When visiting Fast Relief Acupuncture for the first time, our highly trained Acupuncturist, John Kim, will perform a thorough evaluation of your symptoms to determine exactly how the deviation is occurring. A treatment plan will be correlated for your specific needs.

During treatment, Acupuncture techniques will be used to balance the bodily systems, which is most important for reducing anxiety or stress symptoms and promoting relaxation and emotional stability. As the body produces Relaxin and Endorphins, the hormones responsible for de-stressing, the Myofascial Muscles can relax, reducing the occurrence of teeth grinding and jaw clenching. This process triggers the loosening of neck muscles and shoulder muscles, which will also correct posture and alleviate tension throughout the back.

As patients experience symptoms of teeth grinding from anxiety, they may not realize that getting to the root cause of the issue is most important. As the body reacts to outside factors such as stress and anxiety, issues arise such as teeth grinding that can lead to TMJ. At Fast Relief Acupuncture, we know that our bodily systems are all beautifully intertwined, which means that jaw pain can cause neck pain which can cause posture issues which can cause back pain … and so on! It is so important to treat teeth grinding right down to the beginning, that way, the entire body can find relief and healing.

John Kim specializes in treating TMJ and posture disorders. He has received multiple certifications in these practice areas and has seen hundreds of patients during his tenor as an Acupuncturist. To find fast relief from your jaw, teeth, or muscle pain, visit Fast Relief Acupuncture today!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:
•    Headache/ Migraine
•    Arthritis/ Stenosis
•    Nerve pain
•    Neck/Back pain
•    Fibromyalgia pain

•    Allergies

•    TMJ

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Running into Spring: Add Acupuncture into Your Training Routine

Wintertime often shows different training routines for athletes, particularly runners who find themselves training indoors on equipment instead of battling the chilly weather. As Spring approaches, long pants will be traded in for shorts and feet will begin to hit the pavement once again. During the first few weeks of adjusting to warmer weather, the body tends to creak and moan, often placing runners at a higher probability for injuries. Fast Relief Acupuncture specializes in therapies that aim to prevent and treat athlete’s injuries and sustain a healthy lifestyle during each season of their career.

By adding regular acupuncture treatments into your training routine, you are adding in a wealth of beneficial measures that will supply long-lasting advantages to running. Fast Relief Acupuncture has compiled our top 5 favorite benefits of Acupuncture for runners in the Spring:

  1. 1
    Acupuncture therapies improve circulation – Blood circulation is one of the most important aspects of running. After all, it is what gets oxygen to your heart, lungs and extremities and pushes you to the lengths your body can go. Acupuncture techniques, such as needling, improves blood circulation throughout the body by encouraging movement which reduces inflammation and promotes self-healing. This process creates a healthier environment for faster healing and recovery.
  2. 2
    Fast Relief Acupuncture uses Cupping Therapy - Like a deep tissue massage, Cupping Therapy allows relaxation of tight muscles as it promotes blood flow, reduces inflammation, and decreases pain. Runners often use Cupping Therapy to heal injuries or, most commonly, as a preventive measure.
  3. 3
    Acupuncture can help strengthen the immune system - Having a healthy immune system is important during intense training schedules. Being sick, even for just a few days, can throw off an athlete’s ability to train to their full potential, especially runners. Regular acupuncture treatments, 1-2 times every week, can boost the body’s immune system by increasing the production of red and white blood cells and T-Cells. These cells make up the body’s defense system.
  4. 4
    Encouraging sleep and rest is a top priority for health - One of the main ways that our body relaxes, rejuvenates and re-sets is sleep and rest. Acupuncture promotes a relaxing environment, enabling the release of Endorphins and Relaxin, two hormones responsible for stress-relief. When the body is better relaxed, it is more apt to enter a natural, routine sleep schedule. Fast Relief Acupuncture also encourages athletes to take a day off from training to let the body re-coup. Acupuncture appointment days are great for taking the rest of the day slowly.
  5. 5
    Reducing proneness to injuries is one of the most important aspects - Acupuncture helps minimize the chance of runners obtaining injuries during their training schedules, especially after coming out of a slow winter. When the body can manage self-healing processes naturally and systems are balanced, injuries are less likely to happen. Combining good circulation, specialized therapies, a strengthened immune system, and the proper amount of sleep and rest, runners can often enjoy a full training season with less injuries and more training time.

Fast Relief Acupuncture specializes in sports medicine practices, including keeping runners on the road by supplying preventive treatments, innovative acupuncture therapies, and knowledge to use even in the off seasons. We will never let you cross the finish line alone. Call Fast Relief Acupuncture today to get started running the race to your ultimate health goals!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Gamer’s Thumb: What it is and How to Treat it

Gaming is an art that requires attention to detail, swift, skilled movements, and dedication. Beyond the basic skills needed, gaming also often demands unnatural, repetitive stimulation of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the hand. As gaming skills need to be polished over time, the same goes for the strengthening of these body parts most often used for video gaming.

What is Gamer’s Thumb?

Gamer’s thumb, also scientifically known as De Quervain’s Syndrome, is caused when the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the hand are subjected to repetitive motions most often associated with gaming or texting.

The overuse of thumb related body parts, including tissue, can trigger severe inflammation, causing pain, snapping noises and even immobilization.

The Anatomy of the Thumb

The below picture represents exact locations of where gamers can experience mild to severe symptoms of Gamer’s Thumb.

The major tendon effected runs along the outside of the hand and toward the thumb. There is a membrane attached to the tendon that works as a cushion, separating the tendon and the bone so that all moving parts slide smoothly and painlessly.

When the tendon becomes overworked due to repetitive actions, the tissue membrane becomes inflamed. Inflammation in the membrane will disrupt the thumb, hand, and wrist’s normal functions, causing pain, swelling and the inability to move.

How can Gamer’s Thumb be treated?

The most popular method of treatment is pharmaceutical medications. As medicine has advanced throughout the years, so has the ability to treat injuries, such as Gamer’s Thumb, with anti-inflammatory chemical medications or even with surgery. Although symptom relief can be temporarily achieved via this route, unwanted and even serious side-effects can develop through long-term consumption. Medical researchers warn of stomach, kidney and liver issues potentially developing if medications are over-used.

On the other hand, surgery (although often used as a last resort) can also cause unwanted side-effects such as the inability to perform tasks that were previously completed, even gaming.

Fast Relief Acupuncture has worked hard to master a new revelation for long-term, natural treatment and prevention of Gamer’s Thumb – Acupuncture. 

Being one of the most natural and safest therapies in the world, Acupuncture has soared to the top of the list of physicians recommended treatments.

Acupuncture Works to Treat and Prevent.

John Kim, owner of Fast Relief Acupuncture, has become an expert in treating Gamer’s Thumb. His knowledge and experience in the Acupuncture filed enables him to provide unique treatment that performs at the highest level of care among his colleagues in New Jersey. During and after his acupuncture appointments, patients are provided with professional service and advice that will work beyond the walls of the office.

Fast Relief Acupuncture treatments aim to produce long-term healing or prevention tendencies. Our therapies differ with each case presented; however, we supply an umbrella of methods to include, needling, electro-acupuncture, acu-massage, heat therapy and more. Each of these methods work to reduce inflammation, abolish pain, and increase movement by regulating bodily functions and naturally targeting the root cause of the injury. As the body regulates, moving parts can strengthen, minimalizing unwanted response to injury for complete and total healing.

Our treatments are nearly painless and have almost no side-effects, except feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated!

Gamers, if painful symptoms have been keeping you from doing what you love, visit Fast Relief Acupuncture to get you back into the game today!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Flying into Health: Acupuncture for Travelers

The last year has brought forth much uncertainty, especially when it comes to traveling. You may have found yourself cancelling your vacation or rescheduling family visits due to the pandemic. With many airlines now opening for travel around the country, travelers are finally getting back into their routines, but with a few stipulations in place to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Traveling, with new mask and social distancing rules, may come with elevated anxieties beyond the typical ones experienced such as motion sickness, dehydration, jet lag and bodily aches and pains. Popular natural therapies enable travelers to feel more comfortable, healthier, and overall satisfied with their flight and traveling adventures. Acupuncture, a safe and affordable treatment, can aid frequent or new fliers in maintaining an elevated level of health while enjoying their business or vacation trips close by or around the world.

Fast Relief Acupuncture has compiled a list of the top seven most important things to do when preparing to fly. These tips will make you feel your best and enjoy your trip at the highest level!

  • Eat healthy- Our office promotes healthy eating daily, but it is extremely important to watch what you eat during the days before your trip leading up to boarding the plane. Eating lots of vegetables and taking vitamin C supplements can boost your immune system. Not only is this important for remaining healthy in this current world state, but it also can protect you from daily viruses that contaminate high traffic areas, such as airports and planes.


  • Drink lots of water- Just like eating healthy, it is vital to stay hydrated, especially when a long travel day is involved. Drinking lots of water keeps your bodily systems, including your organs and digestive system, working properly. It also enables your muscles to recover quicker from jet lag. 


  • Take herbal supplements- There are many immune boosting herbal supplements at your local drug store or acupuncture office. One of the most popular is Elderberry Syrup. Elderberry Syrup contains great immune boosting nutrients that enable you to feel your best and keep from getting sick. Plus, it is all natural!


  • Do not drink and fly- We know that you may feel braver with a little alcohol in your system, but we also highly recommend staying away from the taps before and during your flight. Alcohol can make you extremely dehydrated, contributing to jet lag. It is also a major cause of motion sickness. You do not want to start your trip off leaning over the toilet, especially on a plane.


  • Make sure to stretch- Stretching before taking off is a fantastic way to loosen your muscles, ligaments and tendons and trigger relaxation. When sitting for extended periods of time, your muscles tighten which cause unwanted aches and pains. Make sure to stretch those legs underneath the seat in front of you and stretch your arms high toward the ceiling often during your flight.


  • Bring a neck pillow and lumbar support- There is nothing worse than waking up in your seat, your neck throbbing and stiff because your head fell over in an abnormal position. A neck pillow provides amazing support for when you want to take a quick snooze or while enjoying a free movie!


  • Get acupuncture before you fly- Fast Relief Acupuncture highly recommends an acupuncture appointment, or several, before your trip. Not only will our treatments get you in tip-top shape for your business trip or vacation, but it will also provide you relaxation. Our appointments are always anxiety and stress-free and bound to give you exactly what you need before boarding.

Are you planning a trip soon? Do not forget the above tips when preparing for your flight. Most importantly, schedule your acupuncture appointment today to receive the best benefits of health that will travel alongside you to your destination.

Fly with Fast Relief Acupuncture to your superior health destination!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!


The Physiology of Acupuncture for Migraines

1 in 6 Americans suffer from severe headaches, also called migraines, on a regular basis. What are physicians doing to combat migraine symptoms other than prescribing prescription medications? The Journal of Pain Research has been developing and conducting studies regarding the effects of natural treatments, such as acupuncture, for migraines and frequent headache symptoms. Although there are not many studies on the subject matter, the ones existing have provided thorough and positive information toward the credibility of acupuncture treatments.

The Journal of Pain Research conducted an in-depth study where brain imaging was used to show a correlation between acupuncture treatments and its effect on brain metabolites. The study included 45 subjects who were all determined to suffer from frequent and severe migraines. During the evaluation period and before any treatment was administered, the 45 subjects underwent an MRSI Brain Imaging scan which measured the amount of brain metabolites in areas of the brain that housed receptors for pain.

After evaluation, the subjects were administered acupuncture treatments for five consecutive days and then re-evaluated for symptom severity and relief. Upon completion of the full study, researchers concluded that the subjects exhibited a decrease in migraine pain severity and showed a highly significant decrease in brain metabolite levels in areas of the brain such as the Thalami Region. The Thalami Region of the brain is associated with pain.

A positive correlation was drawn between acupuncture treatments and a reduction of brain metabolite levels in the brain, showing a decrease in painful symptoms associated with migraines. The results are a significant attribute to the practice of acupuncture and the availability of natural treatments versus migraine relief from prescription medications.

How does it work?

Acupuncture treatments are uniquely tailored to each patient. Whether you are suffering from frequent, irritating headaches or debilitating migraines, Fast Relief Acupuncture works to figure out what the best route of treatment is for you. Overall, however, acupuncture can provide a multitude of benefits to patients including symptom relief from headaches at all severity levels. Acupoints at specific areas of the body are manipulated to provide pain relief, a stimulation of various systems of the body which will trigger healing processes, and muscle stiffness and tension relief.

Needling is the most common form of acupuncture treatments for migraines. The insertion of tiny hair-like needles into acupoints is virtually painless and there are no negative side-effects.

Fast Relief Acupuncture is proud to identify as a migraine specialist, providing outstanding care and developing satisfactory, lasting results. If you present with any number of the migraine symptoms below or have been diagnosed by a doctor, you can be sure that Fast Relief Acupuncture will garnish the results that you need to heal.

Symptoms of migraines

  • Sensitivity to light or sounds
  • Severe pain in the head that is described as throbbing, sharp or dull
  • Distorted vision
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Overall feelings of sickness (Malaise)
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Nasal congestion
  • Inability to function as normal

Fast Relief Acupuncture will work together with your doctor to create the best treatment plan for your unique migraine diagnosis. Come heal with us, the fast way!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Sitting Too Long & Low Back Pain

With many people working and studying at home due to the pandemic, I have been seeing increased amounts of patients coming in with lower back pain. When asked what causes their back pain, the common answer that I receive is that the pain is aggravated when a person is either sitting or getting up from a seated position or when they are lifting their leg/ thigh. While it is inevitable that the person is experiencing discomfort at the lower back, the cause of the problem comes from a different area of the body.

The hip flexor muscles are the main cause of lower back pain when a person sits too long at their desk working or even if they had been driving for a long time. These muscles, consisting of the psoas and the iliacus muscles, are attached from the spine on both sides and connect to the upper thigh. Their primary function is to bring the trunk of the body and the legs together in flexion, commonly seen when a person is bowing or when the thigh is raised towards the abdomen (when a person runs or even when a person sits down on a chair).

Without having the added time of commuting to work, people are working longer hours in their homes where many are constantly sitting down in front of their computers. Because they are sitting longer, their hip flexors are more engaged and flexed for longer periods of time. When this occurs, the hip flexors become more contracted and stiff causing weakness of the muscles, the hips being misaligned, and leading to poor sitting position (slouching) to relieve any discomfort. The often misaligned, poor position results in lower back pain.

Fast Relief Acupuncture is a great treatment choice for relieving lower back pain due to tight hip flexor muscles. We can ‘pinpoint’ the exact location and cause of the pain and devise an effective treatment plan to alleviate your condition. Along with acupuncture, Fast Relief Acupuncture encourages patients to perform simple exercises/ stretches to maintain flexibility of the hip flexors. Our goal is to offer the most safe, effective, and efficient treatment option without the use of chemicals or opioids! Call today to get the relief you deserve!


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Improve Your Neck & Shoulder with This Touchdown Move!

After receiving an acupuncture treatment for their neck and shoulders, many patients ask what they can do at home to help alleviate their conditions. My response to that question is ‘Ever watch a football game and noticed the referee lifting both arms when a touchdown is scored? Did you know that simple maneuver can help improve your posture and increase the flexibility of your neck and shoulders?’ Before we discuss on how to do a touchdown for your health, let us examine why this motion is very important.

Experiencing Stiffness and Soreness in the Neck and Shoulders?

One of the common areas where people often complain about having ‘stiffness’, ‘soreness’, or ‘discomfort’ is the neck/shoulder regions. Many people attribute improper posture/ positioning while working at a desk, previous injuries, or the use of an incorrect pillow when sleeping as examples as the cause of this problem. The major muscle involved in this condition is the trapezius.

Most people think the trapezius muscle only applies to the muscles on top of the shoulders. But did you know that there are actually three trapezius muscles? They are appropriately named upper, middle, and lower. They begin at base of the skull travelling down to the upper/ middle portion of the spine and laterally to the back of the shoulder joint. The trapezius muscle, in an essence, controls the posture and positioning of the head, upper back, and shoulders.

The trapezius muscle commonly gets stiff and tight when the head is in a flexed position. With the human head weighing approximately 8 to 10 lbs., when it is constantly tilted forward, the trapezius muscle becomes over- stretched and starts to ‘stiffen up’ when it is ‘hunched’ forward. The ‘hunched’ position creates limited joint spaces within the neck and shoulder which restricts ranges of motion.  Once the muscle loses its natural flexibility, it can lead to chronic muscular and neurological problems of the head, neck, and the shoulder such as chronic pain, disc problems in the neck and mid- back, migraines/ headaches, visual problems, jaw pain, etc...

If the trapezius muscles are loose and flexible, this allows the neck and shoulder to move more freely. It also provides enough movement and strength for a person to maintain an upright posture. With the feeling of ‘stiff and tight’ being relieved at this region, it can put a person’s mood and mindset at a more relaxed states without having the stress of having ‘the weight of the world on their shoulders’.

The Touchdown Move!

So how do we maintain a loose and flexible trapezius muscle? By following this simple exercise called the ‘Touchdown Motion’ daily can certainly help maintain your neck and shoulders to feel less burdened. First, maintain a straight posture of the body with the head stationed at its natural, neutral position. If the head is flexed or tilted forward, it is very difficult to attain a full range of motion of the shoulders. If you are having difficulty keeping your head at neutral position, for the time being try and maintain it as close to it as possible. With your arms full extended in front of you, raise both arms in unison forward and upward above your head. Do not brings your arms up in any ‘sideway’ position. Once your hands have reached over your head (like a touchdown motion), bring your arms down slowly in the same arc as you brought your arms up. Again, bring the arms down straight in front of you and not to the side.

The key to doing these exercises is never about speed. The initial focus should be on doing the exercise properly, using the correct forms. It is also important to breath. Inhale slowly when raising your arms and once you reached your peak, slowly breathe out as you are lowering your arms. The use of weights, such as dumbbells, is not necessary nor advised. Simply do not use any weights because it can compromise proper body forms. Think of this exercise as more of a stretch.

It is advised that doing a 100 of these motions daily will help loosen your trapezius muscle. Completing 100 of this exercise daily, which takes less than 2 minutes, will engage all three of the trapezius muscles in full flexion and extension motion to help maintain its flexibility. If the doing exercise at any point becomes too difficult to do, please stop immediately and do not exert yourself for further injuries. While ideally doing a 100 of these on daily basis will yield the best results, the number is only a suggestion. Again, the emphasis is not about speed but doing it with the proper form.


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Throughout the years, I have studied, developed and incorporated a very unique treatment protocol that has successfully treated and effectively reduced pain levels on chronic pain patients. I have combined traditional methods of acupuncture along with modern, research proven techniques to help reduce chronic pain symptoms in a safe, non- chemically addictive, and effective process.

If you have any of the following:

  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Arthritis/ Stenosis
  • Nerve pain
  • Neck/Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Allergies
  • TMJ
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Scar Tissue
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!

Don’t Get Sick…Fix It With Your Gut!

'You are what you eat' is an old adage that we all have heard many times. But if you take a moment to analyze that statement, there is much truth in it. In reality, the digestive system is an integral part of a person’s overall health. This vital system protects the body from harmful invaders and is where approximately 70% of a person’s immune system comes from. It is responsible to help prevent you from getting sick from bacterial or viral infections, easily developing seasonal and/or environmental allergies, auto- immune disorders, cancers and other diseases.  The full functionality of the immune system depends on the overall healthiness of the digestive tract.

Good & Bad Bacteria

The ‘good’ bacteria in your gut (stomach and intestines) breaks down the consumed food into vital nutrients that can help repair the body’s cells, stimulate growth, and give proper energy to the body. Conversely, there are also bad bacteria, commonly found in processed foods and sugars, that the digestive system constantly fights. While bad bacteria exist in your gut, it is important to note that the good bacteria consistently balance your gut to maintain your digestive system functioning normally.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

When there is an imbalance in your stomach, inflammations open small holes along the walls of the small intestine and leak undigested particles of food and toxins into your blood stream. This is commonly called ‘leaky gut syndrome’. This reaction disrupts the normal food process in the body. The immune system immediately soon recognizes these food particles as invading antigens and increases their response to attack them, releasing histamines, which are anti- inflammatory agents commonly found in allergies or in allergic reactions. Common symptoms of this reaction include bloating, cramps, stomachache, indigestion, irritable bowels, and food sensitivities.

Aside from bloating and cramps, you might also experience mood changes, fatigue, eczema (a chronic skin condition), and joint discomfort. This is because dysfunction in the gut can affect all areas of the body. The gastrointestinal system contains one of the most abundant amounts of regulatory neurotransmitters within the human body. Serotonin, a chemical and a neurotransmitter that influences mood, is highly concentrated in the gut and can alter your mood depending on how well your digestion is.

What Causes Imbalances In Your Gut Bacteria?

There are foods and habits that can cause imbalances in your gut bacteria.  Processed foods with preservatives and sugar, alcohol, drugs, and even stress can damage the good bacteria in your stomach.  Regular usage of antibiotics can decrease the level of good bacteria, or probiotics, in your gut since the medicine is used to eliminate bacteria within the body.

Preventative Measures

To maintain a good balance and to keep the immune and the digestive system at an optimal level, the good bacteria in the gut along with specialized immune cells and hormones work together. Good sources containing probiotics to help increase the healthy bacteria in your gut include yogurt, kefir (a mix between yogurt and milk), kimchi, blue algae, soymilk, brined olives, and pickles. Another option is to take probiotic supplements.

There are foods that may be too difficult for the body to digest, however, the body has digestive enzymes which are utilized to break down foods for our bodies to absorb nutrients properly. Certain enzyme supplements like protease can break down protein and carbohydrates, amylase breaks down starch, and lactase assists in the digestion of milk and dairy food. Other enzymes such as glucoamylase and malt diastase can also help with overall digestion of your food.

Omega-3, found abundantly in fish oils and planted based foods such as nuts and olives, is also a good nutrient for reducing irritation to the gut. Glutamine can help heal the damaged lining of the intestines due to inflammation and enlarged pores.
The simple, basic rule and the crux of good digestion is purely to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Eliminate processed sugar and foods along with decreasing any alcohol consumption and replace fast-foods with fresh fruits and vegetables such as salads, meat without injected antibiotics, and whole grains. 


My Name is John Kim

I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. When I first started my acupuncture career, my primary goal as a practitioner was to help people anguishing from living with pain everyday of their lives. I have seen on numerous occasions what chronic pain can do to a person physically but also seen how it can debilitate a person’s psyche as well.

Fast Relief Acupuncture is dedicated to guiding you through these challenging times. We pride ourselves in introducing, educating, and offering a safe and natural way to help improve your body’s overall function. We look forward to getting you on the road to complete recovery!

Do not hesitate and contact me!

I am here to help you to feel your very best!